
Friday, March 27, 2020

Beetaloo Basin Exploration Benefits For the Climate

The Origin Beetaloo Basin Exploration project has been using fracking techniques safely and successfully in the NT, helping to provide lower energy prices and greater energy security to the area. 

Fracking is the process of drilling down into the earth and using a high-pressure water mixture to release the gas inside. Not only is this method more efficient than traditional fossil-fuel energy-production, fracking also reduces air pollution, and causes fewer carbon emissions. Here’s how:  

Global energy-production emissions have been one of the major contributors to environmental damage inflicted over the last century. It is now crucial that Australians find safe, reliable, affordable alternatives to generate energy. 

When it is used to replace coal in electricity generation, gas plays a key role in reducing emissions globally. This is because natural gas has about half the emissions of coal. It is also more flexible and able to support sudden changes in wind and solar power.  

Using fracking techniques to extract natural gas, The Origin Beetaloo Basin Project can help the NT transition to a lower emissions future, whilst providing the energy we need to excel.   

The Exploration Beetaloo Basin Project aims to reduce the damage being done to the environment in a number of ways.  By 2020, the Northern Territory can expect to have 25% of energy generation coming from solar and wind.  But by replacing coal energy with natural gas, the Origin Exploration Beetaloo Basin hopes to help the electricity sector achieve net zero emissions by 2050 or earlier.  

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Impact of Beetaloo Exploration on Human Health

Fracking is a controversial topic; there’s no doubt about that. However, many people argue that fracking is essential for releasing trapped natural gases so that it can be used to support Australia’s energy needs. This is a process that takes time and money, but it is something that has a great return on investment.

However, this hasn’t stopped people from having reservations about the fracking process, and the impact it might have on human health. This is understandable, but all indicators suggest that Beetaloo Exploration poses no risk to human health through its fracking. Indeed, the process follows stringent regulatory standards and have safeguards in place to ensure the safety of the land and local communities before any sort of fracking actually begins.

The Beetaloo Exploration project is focused on looking after the land and environment as much as possible, and many of their processes are surrounding this. Protecting land and water is key for making sure an environment and community continues to thrive, in addition to being able to benefit from fracking.

It’s clear that every effort is made to ensure the Beetaloo Exploration is not harmful to humans, and this is done by sourcing the best possible equipment, in addition to having procedures in place to protect and preserve the surrounding areas. This, of course, links to human health as well, and this is one of the important factors.

For instance, keeping emissions to a minimum is one of the key components for the Beetaloo Exploration Project, and this is going to improve human health. Avoiding wastage and helping to keep carbon emissions low is something that is going to massively impact and help improve human health as much as possible.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Are There Any Health Issues with Beetaloo Exploration?

Whenever it becomes clear that someone is starting to try and find energy resources in the local area, there is a natural tendency for the local residents to demand to know about the safety and security of the exploration. 

This is because there is plenty about this kind of exploration that is unknown or unclear, and in many cases the science is not certain one way or the other. This understandable concern is therefore something that needs to be broached by anyone hoping to explore for gas in this way. And one of the most important issues is whether there are any health issues to consider.

When it comes to something like the Beetaloo exploration, it’s important to know whether there are any health issues to consider. That is something that nobody in the world has the full answer to. But it might be good to know that the exploration is carried out according to a rigorous process, and that there are a number of strict conditions in place to make sure that the water and land are not negatively affected, or that if they are this is counterbalanced in some way. 

Another big part of it is ensuring that the emissions are kept to a minimum, as this kind of exploration is known to produce emissions, and those are generally bad for the health of locals.  As long as the exploration is being carried out with genuine care, the disruption to health should be kept to a minimum.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Energy Resource Exploration in NT

When it comes to sustainable energy and doing what we can for the environment and the way that we use energy in the country, there is a lot of exploration into the different options that are available here in Northern Territory, Australia. The mining and energy industries are critical to the Northern Territory's development, particularly in regional areas.

Projects such as the OriginBeetaloo Exploration Project are doing exactly that. It is supported by the rightful traditional owners. There are many different traditional owner groups in the Northern Territory and so they work closely with the Northern Land Council to ensure they seek and maintain the support of the right Native Title holder family groups in the area while the search and project continue to find and use an energy resource that is sustainable for the future.

When it comes to developing mineral and energy resources there are requirements that must be met. This includes things such as mineral exploration, mineral titles, petroleum activities, petroleum titles, geothermal titles, and activities.

It is important that there is a rigorous process to ensure that the best practice is obtained during any fracking operation that takes place when it comes to energy resource exploration. There will always be strict instructions and conditions that are put in place to ensure that the land and water aspects of the land are protected. Safeguarding the area and the local communities while projects such as the above mentioned, or others that are taking place in Northern Territory can be assured they are not causing any harm.

The main priority is to ensure that emissions are kept to a minimum so that the long term goal of sustainable energy can be reached.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Gas Producers In NT

The concept of hydraulic fracture stimulation, otherwise known as fracking, is something that the vast majority of people will have likely heard of. However, there's also a good chance that they won't fully understand what fracking is, how it works or the benefits that it can provide. Thanks to a great deal of misinformation spread around, particularly online, it's often all too easy for people to end up forming opinions of fracking that simply aren't supported by the evidence. However, the reality of fracking as both as a process and a necessary part of the modern world is something that more and more people should endeavour to be more informed about.

Fracking is the process by which oil or gas is extracted by injecting liquid at high pressure into subterranean rocks, boreholes, etc. This means that certain areas, such as gas producers in NT, will be far more popular as locations for fracking.

One of the highest priorities for many companies involved in fracking is to work closely with rightful Traditional Owners of any land to ensure that they always have their support. The support of the right Native Titleholder is an essential part of the process.

Despite much of the misinformation spread around, most companies are incredibly rigorous in their attempts to use the best practices at all times. This includes protecting water and land and ensuring that the minimum amount of waste is produced during the process, thereby making it as sustainable as possible and reducing emissions as much as possible.