Many people find themselves perturbed to discover that there is fracking going on in their local area. There might be many genuine reasons why they feel this way, and a lot of that has to do with how the process of fracking is generally perceived in the media and beyond. It is perfectly true that many fracking companies have not taken great care in keeping the environment safe and in looking after people. Of course, that doesn’t mean that this is true for all businesses who engage in this kind of work - and as it happens, there can be some good sides to it too.
One of the things that can be said for something like the Beetaloo exploration is that it can be an effective means of creating substantial income resources. This is achieved in a number of ways, and it’s something you can see in many cases elsewhere as well. For instance, it is likely to create a large number of jobs - an estimated 900, in fact - and it is probably the kind of activity that will help to encourage the local economy generally.
Of course, there is also the possibility that the exploration might actually discover some gas reserves, which could then be used to provide yet further income resources for people in the local area and beyond. In these ways, the Beetaloo exploration can help to create substantial income resources, and this is one of the upsides of a process that many are worried about.
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