
Thursday, June 18, 2020

Beetaloo Basin Companies With NT Government Approval On Fracking

Fracking is by no means a simple process. This is why only certain companies are given government approval to frack on select sites. Plus, fracking isn’t something that companies can simply turn up and try out - they have to conduct an in-depth exploration of any area that could be deemed worthy of fracking and they have to follow strict regulations and guidelines in order to operate safely and responsibly at all times. 

Of course, there are many fracking sites around the world, where hydraulic fracture is being used to extract gases from gas-bearing rocks deep beneath the surface of the Earth. But the Beetaloo Basin in The Northern Territory, Australia, has been deemed to be one of the most promising shale gas resources in all of the world! 

Of course, with great potential comes great responsibility, and this is why only select companies have received government approval on fracking. Beetaloo Promised Safely Fracking of Gas Reserves to local residents and this is what companies working on the site are committing to. The site has world-leading regulation, with strict conditions and controls that must be met and additional safeguards in place to best protect the whole area’s land and water. 

While there are many misunderstandings surrounding the process of fracking, it’s important to rest assured that the Beetaloo exploration project alone has the potential to offer 900 jobs, contributing to a much stronger economy in Australia’s North! 

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